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Currently, no Psalm Briefs are scheduled.
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The Psalm Brief series is made by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, curator of
You're a worship leader who cares deeply about your people.
Life is really hard sometimes. (Duh).
My God, WHY have you forgotten me?
-Psalm 22.1
Do we understand that lament is a faithful thing to do? That it requires deep trust, great faith and real support?
In the psalms, we find courage to be transparent. To be faithfully sad, outraged or lonely when these times come. And to be open to outrageous HOPE knit into our human story as well as the Christ story.
There is a season for every experience under the heavens.
-Ecclesiastes 3.1
Here's a 30-minute call-in class to enrich your leadership:
exploring why lament strengthens faith and hope
taking in three lament psalms
making faithful lament part of your regular diet in worship
links to congregational songs to use
stick around after the call for optional discussion if you desire
you'll also get a recording of the class.
It's for FREE or TIP.
Preachers, teachers, liturgists, musicians, spiritual directors and lovers of worship all welcome.
Register below to get the call-in info via email. Thank you!
Just fill out this form & click.
Expect an email with your call-in info the day before the class.
if you desire,
either before or after.
This call-in class is for FREE or TIP.
11/2015: Praying the Psalms in These Anxious Days: The value of lament
01/2016: Praying the Lenten Psalms
06/2016: Politics in the Psalms
09/2016: Deep Change and the Psalms: Navigating the intensity of harvest time
02/2017: Justice in the Psalms
2019: Psalms When Life Psucks
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