137 (Psalm 137)
A song of devastation, trauma and survival.
Part I: We Sat By the Waters
Psalm 137.1-4
We sat by the waters of Babylon and wept
when we remembered Zion, Zion.
We sat by the waters of Babylon and wept
when we remembered Zion, Zion.
On the bending willows there we hung up our instruments
and wept when we remembered Zion, Zion, Zion.
For there in our exile, we were forced to speak of home.
They said, "Sing for us one of the songs of Zion
Sing for us one of your little sacred songs.”
They said, "Sing for us one of your songs of Zion"
But how could we sing our songs on strangers' soil?
How could we sing our songs on strangers' soil?
So we sat by the waters of Babylon and wept
remembering Zion, Zion, Zion.
Part II: If I Forget You
Psalm 137.5-6
Part 1:
If I forget you, Jerusalem, beloved Jerusalem.
Part 2:
If I lose my heart, my source of joy.
Part 3:
Let my strumming hand forget how to play
Let my voice lock up and my music die away.
Part III: O God, Remember With Us
Psalm 137.7
O God, O God, O God, remember with us.
O God, O God, O God, remember with us.
Remember the day she fell and all our courage died?
Remember the day she fell
Remember what the terrorists cried?
"Tear her down! Tear her down! Strip her to the ground!
"Tear her down! Tear her down! Strip her to the ground!”
Remember the day she fell.
O God, remember with us.
Part IV: An Open Letter to the Warriors of Babylon and Edom
Psalm 137.8-9
Warriors of Babylon, you mock us now
but you've planted the seeds of your own fall.
When those seeds bear fruit, you know when that day comes,
we will bless the justice done
We will bless the justice done
You are terrorists and you've tormented us
How dare you teach your children to hate
Stop the cycle now, so never again.
We'd be happy to see anyone
smash your babies on the rocks of Babylon.
If I forget you, Jerusalem, Beloved Jerusalem
Curses on you Edomites You're doomed to fall
You've planted seeds that will bear fruit of justice done
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2018 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved. Please use with permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
Sing it with your circle
137 demo Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpgs of congregational line
songleader's notes
137 demo
137 demo Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
original mp3 recording
powerpoint lyric slides
137 demo
Accompaniment Pack