Close to Your Heart (Psalm 15)
Speaking the truth is a step to your temple
Doing what's right is where worship starts
Kindness and honesty makes it all simple
Each choice we make brings us close to your heart
We want to be close to your heart
We want to be light in the dark
O God of Compassion, show us how
We want to be close to your heart
We want to be light in the dark
O God of Compassion, lead us now close to Your heart
Working for peace is a step to your temple
Helping the poor is where worship starts
Keeping our promises makes it all simple
Each choice we make brings us close to your heart
You've made the way, every step to your temple
Your perfect love is where worship starts
We know to follow you makes it all simple
Each choice we make brings us close to your heart
©2014 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Please use only by permission.
Licensing via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
Close to Your Heart Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original recording
instrumental accompaniment track
Close to Your Heart Accompaniment Pack
Close to Your Heart is on the "Love Stands With" album.
Album songbook available here.
Close to Your Heart Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Close to Your Heart Charts
Sing it with your circle