Sing it with your circle
Forever Love is on the "Shout For Joy" album.
Album songbook available here.
Forever Love Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
lyric sheet
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Forever Love Charts
Forever Love Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
Forever Love Accompaniment Pack
Forever Love (Psalm 89)
Verse 1
There is a love, a forever love love that’s holding us
Strong as a flood, big as the starry sky enfolding us
Now let us sing what the Holy One has promised
Now let us sing what the Holy One has promised
Sing of the Forever Love
Let it ring true, let it shine
Sing of the Forever Love
Resonate through all your life
Forever Love
Verse 2
It’s nothing new, this ancient heart
that’s beating in you strong
Nothing to lose; it’s wrapped around
you for your whole life long
Now let us sing what the Holy One
has promised
Now let us sing what the Holy One
has promised
©2010 Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net