God is Our Shelter and Strength (Psalm 46)
Though the mountains tremble in the heart
of the sea
We will not fear, we will not fear
Though the nations stumble and the
governments decree
We will not fear, we will not fear
God is our shelter and strength
God is our hope in any trouble
God is our refuge and strength
God is our help in any trial
Now be still and know that our God is here
We will not fear, we will not fear
God destroys the weapons and
makes the wars to cease
We will not fear, we will not fear
There’s a river flowing into the heart of God
We will not fear, we will not fear
Holy One is with us, yes the Holy One is here
We will not fear, we will not fear
©2007 Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
God Is Our Shelter & Strength is on the "Sharing the Road" album.
Album songbook available here.
God Is Our Shelter & Strength Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
lyric sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line (2 versions)
songleader's notes
God Is Our Shelter & Strength Charts
Only $7.00
God Is Our Shelter & Strength Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
God Is Our Shelter & Strength
Accompaniment Pack
Only $10.00
Sing it with your circle