I Am For Peace (Psalm 120)
I am for peace
I see fear and sadness, people weary of the world
I don't know what to say but I will try
I am for peace
Terror and violence far away and close to home
Ammunition, words and hands-- Where do we stand?
I am for peace
News is streaming in
Can't ignore the suffering
Evil only needs good people to be silent
I am for peace
Kitchen table, council meet-ing, hallways, sidewalks of the world
Texting, talking, meeting someone, I open my hand and reach out
I am for peace
Angry at myself, sometimes call myself bad names
Outrage in the mirror
Let forgiveness start
I am for peace
Poison in the air, garbage in the soil and sea
Feel the planet strain
I'll do what I can today
I am for peace
There are people we don't like
Ones who rub us the wrong way
We don't have to be best friends, but find a way to share the world
I am for peace
©2014 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Please use only by permission.
Licensing via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
I Am For Peace is on the "Love Stands With" album.
Album songbook available here.
I Am For Peace Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
I Am For Peace Charts
I Am For Peace Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original recording
instrumental accompaniment track
I Am For Peace Accompaniment Pack
Sing it with your circle