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Hope Wait Stay
Psalms for resistance and renewal (2023)

1.  My Heart is a Highway (Psalm 84)
2. Your Good, Strong Hands (Psalm 31)
3. Joyous Light is a Planted Seed (Psalm 97)
4. Quicken Me (Psalm 119:153-160)
5. But I Wait For You (Psalm 38)
6. Ever-Present Love (Psalm 107)
7. Let Our Hearts Rejoice (Psalm 105)
8. May Your Love Be Upon Us (Psalm 33)
9. Show Me the Path of Life (Psalm 16)
10. We Cry Out (Psalm 142)
11. Glory to You in the Storm (Psalm 92)
12. Not To Us Hallelujah (Psalm 115)
13. If Only We Would Listen (Psalm 95)
14. Yachal (Psalm 147)
15. Evening, Morning, and Noon (Psalm 55)
16. Heaven and Earth (Psalm 85)
17. Raise Your Heads (Psalm 110)

You Were My Midwife
Full-range psalms from a pandemic (2022)

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1.  Walking Through Trouble (Psalm 138)
2.  God is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
3.  You Were My Midwife (Psalm 71)
4.  Listen to My Sighing (Psalm 5)
5.  Whole Heart Hallelujah (Psalm 111)
6.  Lonely Bird Blues (Psalm 102)
7.  O Love! (Psalm 22)
8.  Rest in Shalom (Psalm 4)
9.  I Love the Keeper of Life (Psalm 116)
10.  Bless Your Unspeakable Name (Psalm 145)
11.  These Lives Are Precious (Psalm 72)
12.  How Long (Psalm 13)
13.  O Life, Yeshua (Psalm 3)
14.  Bring Us All Back (Psalm 68)
15.  Send Out Your Light (Psalm 43)
16.  Steady, Steady Love (Psalm 143)

Keep Our Steps Steady
Psalms For Deep Transition (2018)

1. A Curse Assuring Non-Violence (Psalm 109)
2. But As For Me, O God (Psalm 69)
3. Everyone Come (Psalm 36)
4. God of Deliverance (Psalm 3)
5. How Strong (Psalm 103)
6. If We All Belong to God (Psalm 8)
7. Keep Our Steps Steady (Psalm 119.129-136)
8. No Trace (Psalm 77)
9. Oh My Soul (Psalm 42-43)
10. On the Path of Justice (Psalm 23)
11. Our Breath is Incense (Psalm 141)
12. Planted in Your House (Psalm 92)
13. Search Me (Psalm 139)
14. Teach Me Your Way (Psalm 86)
15. We Wait Full of Hope (Psalm 130)
16. 137 (Psalm 137)


Psalms (2016)

1. Like a Tree (Psalm 1)

2. Going Out and Coming In (Psalm 121)

3. This Love is Forever (Psalm 136)

4. A Life of Trust (Psalm 40)

5. The Holy Way (Psalm 19)

6. Stronghold (Psalm 48)

7. When We Are Afraid (Psalm 56)

8. The River of God (Psalm 65)

9. Where Can I Go (Psalm 139)

10. Desert Blues (Psalm 63)

11. All of My Days (Psalm 23)

12. Take Cover in Love (Psalm 91)

13. I Lay Open (Psalm 25)

14. Hear Me and Show Me Your Love (Psalm 17)

15. Holy One, Who (Psalm 35)

16. It's a New Day (Psalm 104)

17. La Noche (Psalm 139)

Love Stands With:

Psalms of Justice and Longing (2014)

1. Deliver Us (Psalm 58)

2. That's How We Walk (Psalm 15)

3. Love Stands With (Psalm 109)

4. The Holy Heart of Justice (Psalm 9)

5. Under God (Psalm 2)

6. Restore Us (Psalm 80)

7. We Lift Our Eyes To You (Psalm 123)

8. The Blessing of Life Forevermore (Psalm 133)

9. Move (Psalm 109)

10. Faithfully Angry (Psalm 58)

11. Close to Your Heart (Psalm 15)

12. Love and Justice (Psalm 101)

13. Be a Blessing (Psalm 72)

14. Bring Us Justice (Psalm 26)

15. I Am For Peace (Psalm 120)

Our Roots Are In You:

Short, Quiet Psalms (2013)

1. In God Alone (Psalm 62)
2. Open Us (Psalm 40)
3. Hear My Cry, O God (Psalm 61)
4. My Heart Will Not Fear (Psalm 27)
5. In My Heart is the Road (Psalm 84)
6. Holy is This One (Psalm 99)
7. God Our Home and Help (Psalm 46)
8. Our Roots Are In You (Psalm 87)
9. In the One Big Heart (Psalm 117)
10. Dumiyah (Psalm 65)
11. Surely Goodness and Mercy (Psalm 23)
12. Green Olive Tree (Psalm 52)
13. Come Quickly to Help Us (Psalm 70)
14. Our Home is the God Who Loves Justice (Psalm 11)
15. I Am a Mother (Psalm 131)
16. God Who Remembers (Psalm 136)
17. In God Alone (reprise)

Shout For Joy:

Lectionary psalms of Advent-Christmas. (2010)

Published by Augsburg Fortress.

1. Shout For Joy (Psalm 98)

2. To You (Psalm 25)

3. Sing a New Song For God (Psalm 96)

4. God's Word is Among Us (Psalm 147)

5. Creation's Hallelujah (Psalm 148)

6. Turn and Restore Us (Psalm 80)

7. The God of Jacob Hallelujah (Psalm 146)

8. Rivers in the Desert (Psalm 126)

9. How Great is Your Name (Psalm 8)

10. Let Me Listen (Psalm 85)

11. Forever Love (Psalm 89)

12. Wait For God (Psalm 27)

13. When We Share God's Dream (Psalm 126)

14. Praise and Thanks to You (Psalm 147)

15. City of Peace (Psalm 122)

Sharing the Road:

Lectionary psalms of Lent-Easter. (2007)

Published by Augsburg Fortress.

1. God's Love Endures Forever (Ps 136, 100, 106, 107...)

2. We Wait in Hope For Your Word (Psalm 130)

3. Into Your Hands (Psalm 31)

4. Wash Me Clean (Psalm 51)

5. Unfailing Love (Psalm 32)

6. My God, O My God (Psalm 22)

7. God is Our Shelter and Strength (Psalm 46)

8. All Of My Life (Psalm 27)

9. There Is A River (Psalm 46)

10. Let Us Shout For Joy (Psalm 95)

11. You Are My God (Psalm 63)

12. God is Holding Your Life (Psalm 121)

13. Sharing the Road (Psalm 133)

14. Now To God I Make My Vows (Psalm 116)

15. My Love is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

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