Psalm 130
sings of confident hope that God heals, forgives and guides.
Two songs follow, each with a distinctive mood.
We Wait In Hope For Your Word (Psalm 130)
Upbeat, full-throated rock.
Verse 1
Out of the depths we cry to you
O Holy One hear us
Held to our sin, God, who could stand
We come for forgiveness
O Holy One, hear us
We wait in hope for your word
More than watchmen for the morning
We wait in hope for your word
And the dawn is never failing
Verse 2
Always with you, unfailing love
O Holy One, hear us
So we hold you in love and awe
We come for forgiveness
O Holy One, hear us
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2007 Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Licensed via OneLicense.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
Sing it with your circle
We Wait In Hope is on the "Sharing the Road" album.
Album songbook available here.
We Wait In Hope Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
lyric sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
We Wait In Hope Charts
Only $7.00
We Wait In Hope Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
We Wait In Hope
Accompaniment Pack
Only $10.00
We Wait Full of Hope (Psalm 130)
Breathless, contemplative
We wait full of hope for the Holy One,
our whole being breathless
Verse 1:
Out of the depths I have cried to you,
cried to you, our covenant God
O Holy One, won't you hear my voice
Hear my voice, our covenant God
Verse 2:
Were you on vigil to watch for sin,
who could stand, our covenant God
With you instead is forgiving love.
We’re in awe, our covenant God
Verse 3:
All of our being waits for you,
longs for you, our covenant God
More that the night watchmen watch for dawn,
wait for dawn, our covenant God
Verse 4:
O Israel, our nation, wait for our covenant God
Unfailing love, liberating love
like the dawn, our covenant God
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2018 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Use with permission, please.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
Sing it with your circle
We Wait Full of Hope is on the "Keep Our Steps steady" album.Album songbook available here.
We Wait Full of Hope Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
lyric sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
We Wait Full of Hope
Only $10.00
We Wait In Hope Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
We Wait Full of Hope
Accompaniment Pack
Only $12.00