Psalm 35 sings in wonder of the Covenant God of Israel's agenda: help the poor, bring justice for those knocked down by the system and love those who are invisible to larger society.
Holy One, Who?
Psalm 35
In my bones I know
you're calling me to compassion
more than before.
In my blood I feel
you leading me into action
more than before
Holy One, who is helping the poor?
Holy One, who? Who is like you?
Holy One, who is ready to go?
Holy One, who? Who is like you?
In my bones I know
you're counting me in your vision
more than before
In my blood I feel
you're giving me strength to listen
more than before
In my bones I know
you're knitting me into Jesus
more than before
In my blood I feel
you're easing all of my reasons
more than before.
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2016 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP)
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net
Sing it with your circle
Holy One, Who? is on the "Trust" album.
Album songbook available here.
Holy One, Who? Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Holy One, Who? Charts
Holy One, Who? Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint lyric slides
original recording
instrumental accompaniment track
Holy One, Who? Accomp Pack