Psalm 69 is a disturbing lament from someone at the end of their rope.
They sing the sadness, anger and hope of a full life. Sing it for yourself, with your people or in solidarity with the suffering of the world.
But As For Me, O God (Psalm 69)
A cantor-congregation song of lament.
But as for me, O God, I turn to you
So answer me, O God, in your love
Verse 1:
I’ve been disgraced because of you, God.
And shame covers my face.
I'm a stranger to my own family.
Verse 2:
Because of my passion for your house,
those who insult you have insulted me.
I was weeping, I was weeping while I fasted.
Even for my grieving I took abuse.
In my grief, people made fun of me,
singing mocking songs, spreading rumors about me.
Verse 3:
O my God, save me from sinking down! Don't let me drown!
Rescue me from the rising waters of their hatred.
O my God, I'm almost swallowed up!
Don't let the terrorists overwhelm me!
Verse 4:
Yes, answer me, Holy One of promise and love.
I'm in deep, deep trouble and I need your love!
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2017 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved.Please use with permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
But As For Me, O God Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line refrain
songleader's notes
But As For Me, O God
Only $10.00
But As For Me, O God
Accompaniment Pack
Sing it with your circle
But As For Me, O God Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
original mp3 recording
powerpoint lyric slides
2 mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks