Psalm 77 is a lament around some trouble, but it’s not clear in the text what that trouble is. The penultimate verse speaks of God getting us through the sea in the Exodus but there was no evidence of God. “Your footprints couldn’t be seen.” Hmm. So is Psalm 77 singing of God's mystery and power, so great that humans couldn't track it, or abandonment at a crucial moment?
No Trace (Psalm 77)
Verse 1:
Cry aloud at night in these troubled days
Cry aloud at night, hands and voices raised
My soul refuses to be eased
My soul refuses to be eased
No trace of your footsteps
Where is your grace?
No trace of your footsteps
No trace
Verse 2:
I remember back and I will not sleep
Pondering the past and I cannot speak
Dismay and hope are in the wheel,
Dismay and hope are in the wheel
Verse 3:
Singing in the dark Is love at an end?
Quiet with my heart Will I break or bend?
The rising water to our necks,
The rising water to our necks
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2018 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved. Please use with permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
No Trace Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
No Trace
No Trace Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint lyric slides
original mp3 recording
mp3 instrumental accompaniment track
No Trace
Accompaniment Pack
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