Psalm 84 is a song of deep trust,
full of joy for clarity of purpose. Three songs follow.
In My Heart is the Road (Psalm 84)
Sing it with your circle
In My Heart is the Road is on the "Our Roots Are In You" album.
Album songbook available here.
In My Heart is the Road Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
In My Heart is the Road Charts
Only $10.00
In My Heart is the Road Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
mp3 instrumental accompaniment track
In My Heart is the Road Accompaniment Pack
Only $12.00
In my heart is the road
and I will not be hurried
In my heart is the road
Bless my feet on the journey
to Jerusalem
to Jerusalem
©2013 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved.
Please use only by permission.
Licensed via CCLI, OneLicense.net and Worldmaking.net.
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
My Heart is a Highway
Only $10.00
My Heart is a Highway Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
original mp3 recording
powerpoint lyric slides
Two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
My Heart is a Highway
Accompaniment Pack
My Heart is a Highway
Psalm 84.5
A joyous celebration of mysticism!
Your strength is in me, your strength is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Your strength is in me, your strength is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Your joy is in me, your joy is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Your joy is in me, your joy is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Your faith is in me, your faith is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Your faith is in me, your faith is in me
My heart is a highway, my heart is a highway
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2019 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved.
Please use only with permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
My Heart is a Highway Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Sing it with your circle
My Heart is Set on the Journey
Psalm 84
Gratitude and praise.
My heart is set on the journey
My heart is set on the journey
Always on the way, always on the way
My heart is set on the journey
My face is turned to the sunrise
My face is turned to the sunrise
Ever moving on, ever moving on
My face is turned to the sunrise
My spirit sings with the river
My spirit sings with the river
In and through the world, in and through the world
My spirit sings with the river
My heart is set on the journey
My heart is set on the journey
Always on the way, always on the way
My heart is set on the journey
Words and music by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
©2020 Worldmaking.net (ASCAP) All rights reserved.
Please use only with permission.
Licensed via OneLicense.net, CCLI and Worldmaking.net.
My Heart is Set on the Journey
Only $10.00
My Heart is Set on the Journey Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
original mp3 recording
powerpoint lyric slides
Two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
My Heart is Set on the Journey
Accompaniment Pack
My Heart is Set on the Journey Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
guitar/bass chart
jpg of congregational line
songleader's notes
Sing it with your circle