Sharing the Road is on the "Sharing the Road" album.
Album songbook available here.
Sharing the Road Charts:
piano score
lead sheet
lyric sheet
guitar/bass chart
two jpgs of congregational line
songleader's notes
Sharing the Road Charts
Only $10.00
Sharing the Road Accompaniment Pack:
all charts above
powerpoint & keynote lyric slides
original mp3 recording
two mp3 instrumental accompaniment tracks
Sharing the Road
Accompaniment Pack
Only $12.00
Sharing the Road (Psalm 133)
Sharing the road, how good it is
Sharing the road together
Sharing the road in unity
Sharing the road together
Sharing the road together
Like fine oil running down the beard of Aaron
Morning dew falling on a holy place
Here God blesses, blesses life forevermore
Brothers, sisters, what a holy thing to gather everyone
Let’s go up, up the hill to work and worship
Let’s go up, side by side in harmony
Here God blesses, blesses life forevermore
Brothers, sisters, what a holy thing to gather everyone
When we give welcome to a friend or stranger
When we show hospitality and love
Here God blesses, blesses life forevermore
Brothers, sisters, what a holy thing to gather everyone
©2007 Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Contact: Richard@worldmaking.net
Sing it with your circle